Tutoring for children with Dyscalculia

What is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is a specific learning disorder that affects an individual's ability to understand and work with numbers and mathematical concepts. It involves difficulties in grasping basic arithmetic skills, such as recognizing numbers, understanding quantities, performing calculations, and comprehending mathematical symbols or operations. Children with Dyscalculia might struggle with basic mathematical tasks like counting, telling time, understanding money, or solving mathematical problems. Despite normal intelligence and adequate educational opportunities, these individuals experience persistent challenges in learning and applying mathematical concepts.

Challenges for children with Dyscalculia in the traditional schooling system

Children with Dyscalculia encounter significant challenges within traditional school settings due to the heavy emphasis on numerical concepts and arithmetic skills. The structured nature of maths instruction may not accommodate their difficulties in grasping mathematical concepts, understanding numerical relationships, or memorising basic arithmetical facts. Traditional teaching methods often rely on rote memorisation, timed tests, and sequential learning, which can be particularly challenging for these students who struggle with numbers and calculations. Additionally, interpreting mathematical symbols, understanding word problems, and applying mathematical reasoning might pose significant hurdles. Struggles with maths-related tasks can lead to frustration, anxiety, and a negative attitude towards learning mathematics, impacting the overall academic confidence of students with Dyscalculia.

Benefits of a tailored teaching approach

There are myriad benefits to be gained from a tailored, one-to-one approach for children with Dyscalculia. Teaching methods that emphasise visual aids, hands-on activities, and real-life applications of mathematical concepts can allow these students to grasp and retain information more effectively. Breaking down complex mathematical problems into smaller, more manageable steps and focusing on building foundational understanding rather than rote memorisation also fosters a deeper comprehension of mathematical principles. Personalised instruction helps children to recognise and capitalise on their strengths, nurturing their confidence and motivation in learning mathematics. By providing tailored support that acknowledges their individual needs, tutors can empower students with Dyscalculia to develop effective strategies, improving their mathematical skills and overall academic success.

Our approach

At Chapkin Edwards, we combine world-class tutors with a truly bespoke approach for each student that captures the essence of their unique learning style. Our tutors utilise techniques such as Multisensory Instruction and the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach to effectively scaffold student learning. Perhaps most importantly, our tutors foster a learning environment that enables students to learn at their own pace, and to feel comfortable in making mistakes so that they can learn from them. This can then help empower students with Dyscalculia to approach mathematical problems in their own way, and to be confident in doing so.

Dyscalculia Tutoring at Chapkin Edwards

If you are interested in arranging personalised tuition catering to the specific demands of learning with Dyscalculia, please get in contact here.

Josh Chapkin